Friday, January 7, 2011

Photo Friday: People I love!

This picture was taken over Christmas while I was back home in NC.  One of my favorite things about heading south is spending time with the people I love.  These are my grandparents Joy and Carl.  They are two of the most wonderful people on the planet and I am so lucky to have them in my life. They are also two of the funniest people I have ever met and they always make me smile! Grandpa loves taking kisses from all of his grand kids and cheering on his favorite football team the Eagles!    Grandma isn't afraid to shake things up once in a while,  including margarita night out with the girls and a little dancing to Beyonce here and there!  She also makes the best cinnamon buns and the best cookies in the world!  I just love both of them and I am so grateful to have two grand parents who have made such an effort to be at all of my big life moments over the years . They really love all of their grand kids so unconditionally. They are truly a gift from the Lord and I am so blessed to know them!

1 comment:

  1. Heyyyyyyyy!! Is that how you got "Joy" in your name?? I never knew!
