Saturday, May 22, 2010

I married a SMART Man!

I have been thinking and thinking how to possibly put into words how proud I am of my husband, and even as I sit at the computer and type I am without words. Nothing I can say can do justice to the pride and joy I feel inside my heart for my Joseph. While I am very proud of Joe for the many things that he does for myself and for others daily, last week he accomplished something amazing! On a beautiful Sunday afternoon, several years of hard work resulted in such a sweet accomplishment for Joe because he became a college graduate! (The first on the Corbett's side of the family!) How Cool!!!??!!!

Joe has been working on earning his bachelor's degree since the very beginning of our relationship. It has been a long road for him, one that has been both challenging and rewarding. Joe has been a full time working adult the entire time that he has been in school. Not only was he working full time, but he also found time to get married to yours truly and trust me I'm a handful! Joe has been a wonderful husband to me, a great son and grandson to his family, representative of his community and a great friend to so many others all while working and going to school.

Now, here is the best part Joe didn't just graduate college..... he did it with honors. I knew that Joe had a good GPA, but I had no idea just how good! He received almost all A's and only 2 B's the entire time he was in college. (One of which a professor gave him because he missed a week of class when we got married. The professor dropped the grade just because of absence not lack of work- what a punk!) When they called Joe's name as he was walking they also said that he was Magna Cum Laude which means he had a 3.85 GPA! He has also been invited to join the national honors fraternity which is such a big deal! When I heard the news I was elated inside and out. I just want to stand on the roof and tell everyone that my husband is sooooo SMART!!!

Sorry if all of this bragging is too much but, I am just so thrilled for Joe. He has worked so hard and sacrificed so much for this. God has been faithful to both Joe and I to bring us through this season of life and we are so glad that it has come to an end. It has been a weight lifted for both of us as he has finished school. For the first time in our entire relationship we get to have dinner together on a somewhat regular basis, and the stress that often comes with projects and papers and group meetings has been lifted. I am so thrilled to see what is next for Joe. (I'm just hoping it isn't a master's anytime soon- wink wink) With his hard work, determination and big brain I know that there is no limit to what he can achieve.

What a magnificent accomplishment Joe! I am inspired by you and all that you do. I am so blessed to be able to stand next to you for the rest of my life and witness all of the wonderful things that I know you will accomplish! I love you! Congratulations!
Joe with his mom!

Joe with Skip and Louann!

Joe with Ian, Barbara and Paul!

This is the video of Joe walking and getting his degree! Enjoy!


  1. What a sweet post and tribute to your hubby!! I am so proud of Joe for this huge accomplishment and so proud of you for being such a loving and supportive wife through it all!! Love the video too - I cheered right along with it when they called his name!! :)

  2. Such an exciting time! He is blessed to have such a cheerleader for a wife! I know he appreciates it so much!
