Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Best Decision I Ever Made

I can't believe that it has been three years! Three years ago today I made the best decision of my life. I chose to marry Joseph James Corbett, a wonderful man who captured my heart even despite the fact that he is a Yankee. The Past three years of marriage have had its ups and downs, but never once have I ever regretted my choice to marry such a wonderful man. Anyone who knows my husband knows that he not only loves the Lord with His whole heart, but he is also one of the kindest, most compassionate, funny, smart and hard working men I have ever known. I know people thought that I was crazy when I would tell them that I met a guy at wedding and that He lived in Connecticut, but God's hand was all over it. We were long distance through our courtship which is strange to some, but it also allowed us to really focus on building a solid foundation built on Christ. That foundation has proved critical over the past three years. We have enjoyed some really wonderful times, and endured some hard times but through it all our foundation in Christ is what keeps us strong and intact when we may feel like everything around us is falling apart. I am so thankful for my Joseph. I feel a peace in my heart when I think about my life with him and a joy deep in my soul when I think about our next fifty years together. When you get married your heart is full of love and you can't imagine loving that person any more than you do at that moment, but what I have found is that the love I had on March 31, 2007 has nothing on the love that I feel for my husband today March 31, 2010. I can only imagine that my heart may just burst by the year 2020! Yes, yes I know that love isn't just a feeling, I know it's about action and the Love that Christ has shown us, but today I tell you that my heart is full because of the actions that my husband shows me even when he doesn't feel like it. My heart is full because even when I don't deserve Joe's love he loves me no matter what! I am the Luckiest girl in the world! This past year we have really learned so much about working together as a team and that has been so much fun. Marriage is definitely the ultimate adventure, but I am looking forward to see what the next part of this adventure holds for us. One thing is for sure God really knew what He was doing when He brought Joe and I together we really do make a good team. Happy Anviversary Joseph..I love you so much!

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