Friday, December 3, 2010

Photo Friday: The Reason for the Season!

This is my nativity set!  And I LOVE it!  This is my favorite part about decorating for Christmas each year!  It is the first thing that I put up because without Jesus, this time of year means nothing.  I am so greatful for his birth and for his death ....all that I might have eternal life!  Praise the Lord!  So here is my nativity, set up in the main part of our house. I think it should just as big of a feature as the Christmas tree...even bigger!  I have been working on collecting all of the pieces over the past several years and now they are all here!  So happy to be able to have it all up!


  1. Is this the Willow Tree Nativity set? It is on my wish list and I completely agree that it should be the main feature during this Christmas season.

  2. It is the willow tree set! I love it...and if you get it it won't be sorry! Best part is you can get it one section at a time and spread it out!

  3. Oh I love the Willow Tree Natavity Set. It is so beautiful. Great way to showcase Jesus's birth.

    I got a regular navitiy set last year after Christmas. I have put it up with three crosses behind it. I never want to think of the manger with-out the cross. I should take a picture of it for my blog.... thanks for the idea :)
