Monday, August 23, 2010

God knows what I need and when I need it!

The past few weeks have been kind of a blur in my world...hence the lack of blogging that I have been doing! I have been fortunate to have a lot of extra work which has been such a blessing financially however, doesn't leave time for much else. About two weeks ago, the family I work for went on vacation which meant that I had a week off. Talk about perfect timing! Just as things were starting to get out of hand, the Lord knew that I needed some time off. I was able to get some work done around the house that I had been putting off and run errands that were long over due. I got a painting project out of the way (it had only been on my to-do-list since I moved in .... over three years ago!) and I was able to spend some extra time with Joe and Barkley. This last part is so critical because this was the last week that I would spend with Barkley. Last week was a sad week for us because we had to make the choice to put Barkley to sleep it as just awful! I am planning on writing another blog about stay tuned, this is more a less a catch up on what is going on my life.

As I am looking back now, I think it is quite amazing that the Lord knew that I would need to be at home with him that last week. Not only was I able to get a lot of things done for myself, I was able to comfort Barkley and Joe those last few days they had together. What a wonderful gift God gave me. The Lord has been so faithful to both Joe and I the past few months. He continues to provide for us is so many ways and I am just amazed at the work he is doing in my life and in our home. Through our loss we have been able to draw closer to one another and to the Lord and we are reminded that the Lord knows our needs and is always faithful to meet them. I know this is something that I will learn over and over again, but today it is fresh on my mind and on my heart and I just thought I would share this simple truth that has once again been revealed to me through unlikely circumstances. How wonderful know that God knows what we need and when we need it... can I get an Amen!


  1. You know it's just amazing!!! AMEN sister!!! I haven't seen you all summer, been looking for you though, but the Lord speaks to us just when we need it, and he paves the way for what should be, even if it wasn't how we may have pictured things to turn out, but his will is perfect and wise. Yesterday I went through some very emotional things, had some long over due realizations, and caught a glimpse of myself through someone else's eyes. To make a long story short, I didn't like what I saw. But the greatest gift God could ever have thought to bless us with is His Love! How such a holy Lord can love an inperfect human like me is the greast blessing, and it humbles me. So, this morning, as I sit here feeding my 4 month old sweet baby, and as I read your blog, it spoke to me. So, thank you friend, because no matter how long it's been, your words rang true in my soul, and I believe God used you as an instrument to spread his love.

  2. AMEN!! God will always take care of you!!
